No holiday entitlement during special leave

Periods of unpaid special leave are not taken into account when calculating the statutory minimum leave. This has that Federal Labor Court (BAG) with judgment of March 19, 2019 and thus changed its previous case law..

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The Federal Labor Court (BAG) has Judgment of 03/19/2019 decided that periods of unpaid special leave are not taken into account when calculating the statutory minimum leave. The BAG thus changed its previous case law.

The decision was based on the following facts:

The employee was granted unpaid special leave by her employer from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015. After it ended, she further demanded that she be granted the statutory minimum leave of 20 working days for 2014. The Labor Court dismissed the action. The plaintiff's appeal, on the other hand, was successful - wrongly so, according to the BAG.

acc. § 3 para. 1 BUrlG the entitlement to paid annual leave is 24 working days for a six-day week. This corresponds to a statutory annual vacation entitlement of 20 days for a five-day week. If an employee's working hours are spread over fewer or more than six working days in the calendar week, the number of vacation days must be calculated taking into account the work rhythm relevant to the vacation year in order to ensure an equivalent vacation duration for all employees.

The judges have now decided that unpaid special leave must be taken into account when calculating the (statutory) length of leave. During this time, the contracting parties have temporarily suspended their main performance obligations by agreeing on special leave. The employee does not have to work and the employer does not have to pay wages.

As a result, an employee is not entitled to vacation leave for a calendar year in which he is continuously on unpaid special leave due to a lack of work obligations.

With this decision, the BAG distances itself from its previous case law. So far, the BAG did not have this conversion in cases of special leave

performed. The only prerequisite for the creation of a holiday entitlement was the existence of an employment relationship (BAG judgment of 05/06/2014). The new perspective may be less employee-friendly, but it is more in line with the spirit and purpose of vacation leave: this can only be achieved if the employee actually had a need for rest. However, this is unlikely to be the case with special leave all year round.

If you have any questions about holidays, contact us and arrange one meeting.

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